The Ultimate Game of Strategy
Part 6
Bringing it all together

Part 6

Bringing it all together

The biggest problem in dealing with the Internet is that it makes demands upon our brain that the human brain hasn't evolved to cope with. We have evolved memories and neural information processing mechanisms designed to cope only with a limited number of people and a limited communication bandwidth.

Now, the Internet is giving opportunities and information that is taxing the human brain beyond its limits. It is completely overwhelmed by all the complexity and overchoice.

Most people are coping by limiting their use of the Internet so that is doesn't over load their natural neural systems. They place strict limits on the number of people they deal with. They confine their information to fit in with the bandwidth that nature limited them to. But, there is no need to limit ourselves to within the capabilities of our natural human brain. We have computing power than can selectively enhance its ability to deal with larger numbers of people and an increased bandwidth.

As an example of the way in which computers can enhance the ability of the human brain to cope with complexity we need think no further than the spreadsheet program. This has massively enhanced the capability of the human brain to handle mathematical calculations and logical modeling.

This final part describes a way of using the computer to do for the human brain in communications what the spread sheet did for it in mathematics and logic. An enhancement that provides super human powers to cope with extensive communication, complexity and information overload.

The difference though is that a spread sheet deals only with logical reasoning and known quantities. For most problems in e-business we need to be able to cope with the illogical, the unexpected and the unknowns.