The Ultimate Game of Strategy
Chapter 2
Through the looking glass

What does it mean in the real world?

All this may seem perfectly obvious and the conclusions only those to be expected, so, what relevance is all this arcane roulette stuff to the nitty gritty world of real e-business?

This is a trick of scientists and entrepreneurs. The real world is too cluttered with specific detail to be able to get at the underlying fundamental issues. So, it is necessary to construct abstract models that isolate and concentrate upon only the important considerations. In other words, scientists and entrepreneurs will try to create a simple model that covers the broad concepts that are not obscured by irrelevant detail.

Changing technology, unknowns and competition create conditions of uncertainty and risk.These are the problem areas and the key determinants of outcomes in the world of e-commerce. Thus, before getting down to work out an appropriate niche speciality, we need to make sure we can properly cope with risk and uncertainty. Once we are clear at this fundamental level, we can then move on more confidently to consider specific details.