Web Presence
Chapter 10
A different way of looking at databases

Individual communication strategies

The picture presented so far is of an open environment that anyone is free to join. Meetings and communications are public affairs with no apparent facility for mixing groups or for anyone to be able to selective choose people from different groups to have private discussions. This omission needs to be addressed.

The simple solution is to combine the concept of the people space with the concept of a personal cafe of contacts. In this way, anyone can use the public meeting places to acquire contacts and then use the conceptual environment of their own cafe to have more private discussions outside of the public people space. This is illustrated in figure 10.3, where it shows how an individual can acquire a number of contacts from various different public meeting places, then add them to the list of special contacts they communicate with privately in the conceptual area of their own personal cafe.

Figure 10.3
By visiting various different meeting places in a formatted people space, a variety of different personal contacts can be acquired. These can then be conceptualised as appearing in a private cafe within the space of a personal computer

Although this cafe can be purely conceptual – with the cafe existing as no more than simply a list of people to communicate with privately – the cafe can be given a definitive form and substance. This has already been discussed earlier, with a more detailed explanation given in the second book of this trilogy (The Ultimate Game of Strategy). In essence, this involves creating a major list of all known contacts, out of which fifty special contacts are chosen who might be useful or directly involved in current activities.

If people use bots, created as clones of their owners, it is possible to insert these a presences in the meeting areas. This would allow direct transference of these bots, with all the information they might contain about their owners, directly into a personal cafe environment where they can be examined in private. Technically, this is fairly easy to arrange - as will be discussed in the next chapter.