Web Presence
Chapter 12
Enhancing the human brain

An extension to the brain

Figure 12.18 shows how all these elements fit together. Although the tasks may be carried out by different software objects, this division of tasks would be transparent to the users. They would simply see a single application that allows them to send out clones to meeting places and bring back clones of other people into their cafes. On screen buttons would activate the various objects, allowing the users to examine, sort and select amongst the records to find a particular contact or group of contacts they might need to help them solve a problem - or create a business.

Figure 12.18
The virtual cafe and its associated software objects combine to enhance the ability of the human brain to cope with the complexity of the Internet environment

From the user's point of view, this virtual cafe would not be seen as a complicated programming construct, but, as a useful aid that allows them to take full advantage of the Internet to build and organise a powerful network of contacts. It will be like an extension to their brain, allowing them to use the Internet environment efficiently to turn them into super individuals who are positioned at the centre of a personal hub of "need to know" information sources. Thus, the figure 4.4 of chapter 4 will now be transformed into figure 12.19.

Figure 12.19
An individual's power and capability can be substantially enhanced by having an application that allows them to take full advantage of the Internet to acquire and maintain a network of contacts