Web Presence
Chapter 3
The harsh realities of funding and finance

The efficient structuring of an e-business

This insight into the arcane world of investment decision making allows us to approach the creation of an e-business in a more professional manner. It might be of benefit to the reader to read through once more the questions presented to the panel at the NETPROZ event. How would you answer those questions now?

From the point of view of the purpose of this book, these investment considerations tell us that it is no good devising involved and detailed schemes that require massive funding. Even in the unlikely event that it will be granted, the business would be laden down with an inappropriate management structure that will demand excessively high targets and reduce flexibility.

What we need to look for is a way to create a highly flexible system that has minimal overheads. We must seek situations and opportunities that can quickly produce revenue streams. We must construct a business based upon expendable components that can be selected from, mixed and matched in different ways to deal with new emerging opportunities and rapidly changing circumstances.

Above all, we should be looking to create many strategic contacts, who can be brought into play when and where needed.

In my experience, as a life long entrepreneur, the solution to the funding problem is not to look for funding, but, to let the funding look for you. The moment you start showing signs of making a profit, the financiers and investors will appear like magic – out of the woodwork.