The Ultimate Game of Strategy
Book 2 of the e-business strategy trilogy

Author: Peter Small
December 2000
Publisher: Pearson Education (FT.COM imprint)
ISBN: 027364999X
This book was written as a consolidation of the more speculative ideas that were proposed in The Entrepreneurial Web. The dotcom phenomenon was in full swing and the ideas could be tested against what was actually happening. This allowed more positive conclusions to be drawn. Unfortunately, this book came out just at the time of the dotCom crash and in common with all books about the Web at that time, the contents and claims of the book were treated with extreme scepticism. Below are the descriptions of the content as written on the covers by the publisher:
A toolbox of concepts
Competing in a complex and volatile environment like the Internet can throw planning and management systems into total disarray. The procedures and methods of traditional business cannot cope easily with continuous change and uncertainty.
This book provides a collection of useful conceptual models, which will give managers a more enlightened approach to Web based business.
It isn't a "how to" book. It is a tool box. A set of tools, consisting of conceptual models based upon game theory and biological systems. These tools will provide businesses with a critical competitive edge - for dealing with problems of information overload, technological knowledge gaps, unpredictability and fast reacting competition.