Chapter 12
A question of trust
Advantages of using a Genetic Algorithm Strategy
The use of a multiple approach to solutions with a continuous changing around of collaborators can eliminate many of the problems inherent in a strategy that uses a cooperative team:
1) It can allow a solution to be continuously infused with fresh ideas and different perspectives.
2) It can safeguard against the project getting locked into a single solution.
3) It can correct for conflicts of personality.
4) It can allow separate approaches to a solution to run concurrently
5) It provides a means of increasing the efficiency of the collaborators
6) It can allow all collaborators complete independence
7) The sudden defection of a collaborator will not be critical
8) Destructive cliques can easily be broken up
9) All collaborators will have an incentive to regularly contribute valuable input
10) Several opposing view points can be accommodated
11) Specialist and experts can be brought in for short stints to assist in the more technical aspects of a solution
12) Several different types of leaders or initiators can be accommodated
13) Oddball characters can be included for their speciality knowledge without causing disruption
14) Slackers, incompetents, troublemakers, disrupters and non enthusiastic collaborators can be quickly evolved out without animosity.
15) The solution does not have to include any common agreements.