About the Site Map
The time following the dot-com crash of 1999-2001 was a time of rapid change and experimentation. The world was faced with the cataclysmic disruptions brought about by the transience from the Industrial Age to the Information Age.
The site map points to various books, notes, references, explanations, projects and experiments that were initiated during this time as efforts were made to try to understand the changes that were taking place.
The haphazardness and discontinuities in this website reflect the uncertainties of these times as rationality wasn't providing easy solutions.
This new informational environment was dominated by uncertainty, competition and risk. As it eventually emerged, the answers were not in the realm of the rational but in the esoteric provinces of complexity, game theory and chaos theory.
There is only one expert in this field: Mother Nature, with her explicit use of self-organising systems and evolutionary strategies - exhibiting all the attributes of modern day game theories.
The site map points to places on the site where records were made when these realisations occurred and explanations attempted. All of which leads to our current understanding as we try to solve the problems involved in organising and efficiently using the web.