Publications and seminars
Much of the theoretical groundwork of Crowd-sourced Info Towns has been laid out in an interactive CD-ROM (1993) and two books on computer programming (1996 and 1998).
These books, written by Peter Small, describe many of the ideas behind computer systems that emulate those found in biological systems.
Adapting these ideas to the Internet was explored in another three books written by Peter Small for the Financial Times in 2000-2001. Covering the period before, during and after the dot-com crash of 2001, they examined the possibilities opening up for entrepreneurs on the Internet and rationalised some of the failures that were causing the crash.
Talks, by Peter Small, explaining how information can be handled in object oriented design architectures found in nature, were given at three Bot seminars run by Dr. Marcus Zillman for Internet.com (New York 2000, San Francisco and Boston 2001).
The compete draft copies of these books can be seen here:
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